
Tailored packages

We would be delighted to assist in the development of a tailored package for your organisation if none of the listed opportunities suit your promotional activities. If you would like to discuss a tailored sponsorship package, please don’t hesitate to contact:
Luise Schulte (SchulteL@landcareresearch.co.nz) or
Chris McGrannachan (McGrannachanC@landcareresearch.co.nz)
or use the comments box below.

Standard sponsorship

If you would like to become a sponsor of the ISBCW2026 meeting, please complete the application form below:


Organisation and contact details


  • [Square brackets] show maximum number available.
  • Harakeke packages, Developing country delegate sponsorships, and Local student sponsorships, are available in unlimited [∞] numbers.
  • Please add notes in the comments box if you wish to sponsor more than one of a particular item.

Participation as a sponsor is at the discretion of the organisers, and the organisers reserve the right to approve sponsorship materials. A contract and invoice will be issued after you complete the application, and your request is confirmed.