Workshop ideasDETAILS OF PROPOSED WORKSHOPWorkshop titleKey question and/or issue the workshop will address/focus onRelevant background information to put the workshop question/issue in contextOther details that will inform attendees on what to expect (including whether this workshop is expected to produce an output) 1000 character limitProposed facilitator/s for this workshopYOUR DETAILSYour first nameYour last nameYour email addressCONTACT PERSON for further communication about the workshop, if differentFirst NameLast NameEmailEARLY CONSIDERATIONDo you need early consideration of acceptance of your workshop idea submission?*Early consideration of acceptance may be given under special circumstances (for example, where funding/permission to attend require advance notice). YesIf yes, please indicate the date by which you need it:Submit Form